Owen Offset Techno DJ Producer – Exclusive Interview
May 27, 2016 Off By EditorOwen Offset Techno DJ Producer
… this is what keeps me going in this direction, the ambition to move a crowd with my music”
‘Owen Offset’ is famous on the island of Malta for his passion for techno. Throughout his DJ career, he has played alongside international artists like ‘Vitalic’, and ‘Dave Clarke’ amongst others. He also was the warm-up DJ for ‘Joey Beltram’ and ‘David Meiser’ and ‘Ritzi Lee’.
Offset turned his hand to production in 2014 and signed his first album with ‘Subwoofer Records’. His debut ‘BLACK SOLAR EP’ made it into the top 20 on the Beatport charts and top 100 Subwoofer Records during the past five years.
This was followed up with ‘PLATEN VINYL EP’ which was released with ‘Analogue Audio Berlin’ with remixers ‘Bjorn Torwellen’, ‘Shin Nishimura’ and ‘Dominik Vaillant’ and supported by international artists ‘Joseph Capriati’ and ‘Dr. Motte’ amongst others.
Following his gigs in Holland, Owen Offset signed a contract with the agency ‘CONNECTED’ and has since finished his new album ‘INHALE’ which includes remixes from the techno legends ‘Joey Beltram” and ‘Sven Wittekind’!
Iconic underground hooked up with the Maltese dynamo to get the latest news….
Every DJ is definitely ata disadvantage if they don’t use their ears to beat match”
MM – Thank you Owen for taking the time out from you’re busy schedule to give us at iconic underground the lowdown on your international career, what initially attracted and influenced you onto the decks?
OO – I get inspired by my deep feelings and by remembering that we are part of something. From the beginning, since I was a kid, in between my feelings were a lot of questions which could only be answered through sounds which later developed into my techno music.
I am always humbled by the answers I get from my music my sounds… this is what keeps me going in this direction, the ambition to move a crowd with my music. I have also worked on developing my sounds which were initially influenced by the sounds of operating machines through their precise sequence and timing.
MM – What DJ’s / Artists / Producers are behind your ever driving passion for the scene, and who would you like to work with in the studio, and how important has techno been in influencing your direction?
OO – The techno music released to date by international artists has definitely left an important impact in shaping the future of my career. Holy Ghost, Jeff Mills and Joey Beltram have always been of great inspiration to me. These are all artists I would like to work with in a studio together with other producers who have left an impact in the techno scene.
One of the artists whom I am currently working with is Art Lukm (ex Holy Ghost) – this is going to be a massive celebration for the techno music and I feel honoured to be making history with the release of SMOKE MONSTER, a release which we are currently working on together after many years from the release of their last album / EP.
You’ve got to have it all there, in your mind, and you’ve got to have your crowd in there too”
MM – Walk us through the usual process of when you are in the studio creating a new track from the analogue outboard, midi, samples and DAW you use and why. What is key in the whole production process?
OO – Let me start with the key in the whole production process – It all starts before I go in the studio… I get feelings and a mind-set which give me the urgent need to go in the studio. You’ve got to have it all there, in your mind, and you’ve got to have your crowd in there too. This must then be coupled with deep sensational true love for the music. If you have these ingredients, you’ve got all it takes. The technical process varies from one track to another, sometimes you feel hyped to use the hardware. Other times I use recorded sounds which I would have recorded previously myself.
MM – Back in the day, a DJ really had to put in some seriously long hours and dedication to learn the beautiful art and skills of using their ears to beat match and mix vinyl. Now with the advent of digital decks and beat matching software, are today’s electronic DJ’s at a disadvantage?
OO – Every DJ is definitely at a disadvantage if they don’t use their ears to beat match. This is what a DJ distinguishes one DJ from the rest of the crowd. I believe that today’s electronic DJs should start learning the old school way to practice the beat match and the use of their ears. Fall in love with turntables. This is what I always recommend to my students. Vinyl mixing gives me one of the deepest feelings which can never be achieved via the matching software, it is something unique! In my opinion, only the good listeners, the sensitive and deep feelers will make it out to stand from the crowd. The software is providing us with opportunities to be more creative. Hence the best option would be to have a good mix of both.
MM – What advice would you give the aspiring DJ today / Producer on how to be creatively original in an already saturated market?
OO – Make sure you have the answer to these questions: How much do you want this? How far are you willing to go to achieve your aim? Always listen to your heart and ears, don’t try to imitate other producers but search for that unique style, listen to it within you. Let techno provide you with all the answers…
MM – Over the last 10 years a part of techno seemed to lose its fire and energy evolving and meandering into a more down tempo less aggressive style, did Techno loose its way? How do you see the underground Techno scene now and where do you see it evolving?
OO – Each genre of music has its own life cycle. I feel that there was the time when Techno lost a bit its way with some ravers but we can sense it is coming back again thanks to some artists who still played what they loved (aggressive techno) and not what in fashion.
Don’t try to imitate other producers but search for that unique style, listen to it within you. Let techno provide you with all the answers…”
MM – What would be the top 10 essential cuts that you must have to survive and why?
1. Joey Beltram – Ball Park
2. Holy Ghost – Hand of God
3. Jeff Mills – The Bells
4. Dave Clarke – Thunder
5. Charles Fenckler – Frozen Room
6. Smoke Monster – Owen Offset and Art Lukm
7. Inhale – Owen Offset
8. Rip The Cut – Planetary Assault Systems
9. Laurent Garnier – Crispy Bacon
10. Jeff Mills – Changes of Life
MM – Whats happening now?
OO – ‘INHALE’ on ‘Analogue Audio Berlin’ has been released with remixes of Joey Beltram and Sven Wittekind. There is also the most awaited EP in collaboration with the Art Lukm (ex Holy Ghost). These will be coupled with more releases planned for 2017.
26/01/16 – Art Style Techno Podcast (Hungary)
27/01/16 – Fnoob Podcast (UK) (held once a month)
05/02/16 – Platen Vinyl EP (Analogue Audio)
13/02/16 – Dust – Clique Club (Malta)
27/02/16 – Techno Legends – Techno is the Answer (Malta)
12/03/16 – Boiling Room – PIP Den Haag (Holland)
24/03/16 – Assassin Soldier Podcast (Amsterdam)
06/04/16 – Hell Ist Anders – Podcast (Germany)
16/04/16 – Faze Magazine – article on Owen Offset Platen
14/05/16 – Stroke. – Exhaus Club, Trier (Germany)
INHALE – Vinyl (Analogue Audio)
NO PAIN (Connected)
UNCENSORED EP (in collaboration with Twisted)
Interview conducted by Mike Mannix a Dublin based dance music writer, editor and publisher
About the author
Founder, Publisher, Editor, and Designer of Iconic Underground magazine