![EC RECORDINGS [Italy] EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW EC RECORDINGS [Italy] EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW](https://iumag.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/EC-Recordings-959x641.jpg)
October 6, 2020Italian based EC Recordings is an independent record label created by fashion designer Enrica Camminante who lives and breathes Techno!
Interview Mike Mannix & Mattew Mondo
Mike Mannix: Nice one Enrica and thank you for talking to us at iconic underground and giving us the Tshirt and vinyl. Give some background on your EC Recording brand that’s based in Italy?
Enrica: Hi Mike thanks to you from Iconic Underground Magazine for hosting me! My EC brand was born three years ago from the idea of wanting to create my clothing brand after having graduated in Fashion Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Frosinone. The intent was to merge two of my greatest passions: fashion and Techno. I have always had a clear idea of the brand’s concept and target. The philosophy of EC is that of an alternative brand, from the point of view of the intrinsic meaning and concept from a purely marketing point of view: the logo is made up of female symbols (the moon) and male (the triangle), so he wants to be free from sexual and racial restrictions. In fact, the collections are unisex.
Regarding marketing and distribution, it is a choice not to have a website for the moment. The garments are distributed on the most popular social platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, and also on Bandcamp, precisely due to the correlation with music. Each garment does not have the size printed or embroidered in the fabric, so as not to label and influence anyone. Everyone is free to dress wearing the size they like best and that puts them at ease, this is to avoid one of the problems that are very close to my heart such as body shaming.
Thus I began to make EC Brand known through social media, and through the clubs, I frequented, especially at the beginning at the Affekt Club of Frosinone in my city. Then DJs started to follow me also from Tresor in Berlin, to then become Official Partner Brand of the organization of Roma Noise Lab at the EX Dogana and in the Roman scene. For a year and a half I have created my label EC Recordings, and in April 2020 my first VA, EC 001 in vinyl and digital version, was released.
I think is that if you go down to the bottom the only thing is to commit yourself to get back up and never give up, try your best
MM: What DJ’s / Artists / Producers are behind your ever driving passion for the scene, and who would you like to work with in the studio?
E: The artists who are very hype for my work, both as a brand and as a label, are very happy and proud to say that there are, some from the very beginning of my brand project, such as Freddy K, Alex Dolby, Post Scriptum, until now also with the label, VSK, Mattia Trani, SÆDEM, Matasism, to name a few of the Techno scene. But also of the electronic scene, like Joy Kitikonti, Ricky Le Roy, Emanuele Inglese. All people who believed in my projects and supported me. In the future I would love to work with other artists that I consider to be of great calibre, such as Ancient Methods, Stanislav Tolkachev, to name a few. And obviously, a huge dream to work with Jeff Mills!
MM: Tell us about what inspired you to start a record label?
E: I created EC Recordings because I love music. I think it is one of the most beautiful arts because of its strong accessibility with those who listen to it, perceive it. So many people I talk to, and I get involved too, tell me that music has saved them. Music gives you incredible emotions, and the atmosphere that is created in the clubs together with many other people dancing near you, makes you forget everything. This is why a year and a half ago I created my independent label, even if I was not a DJ myself, I wanted to be, in a sense, its spokesperson, its patron. I started working on it, with as much passion as ever, and care. And the artists who participated in my first VA supported me in my new project. EC 001 is a heterogeneous various in its musical style, ranging from more industrial sounds, and industrial acid to a deeper Techno. The artists I want to thank again are Mattia Trani, VSK, Matasism, and SÆDEM.
MM: Whats the biggest challenge you’ve overcome in life, and what did you learn from it?
E: The biggest challenge of my life has been to recover from a not-so-happy time in my life, due to the loss of a very dear person, was about six years ago. And as I said before, it was the music that saved me as well as the loved ones near me. What I think is that if you go down to the bottom the only thing is to commit yourself to get back up and never give up, try your best, because there is always a chance to go up and live with serenity. We owe it to ourselves.
This has strengthened me a lot, especially when I come across the difficulties that life presents to us, both in the private and working spheres.
MM: Before Covid hit how was the underground scene evolving in Italy in your opinion?
E: Before the arrival of Covid, the underground scene, but also after it, I think it was fading. It is a contradiction to speak of underground, in my opinion, precisely in this historical period in which we are living, bombarded by social media, by the global in all its facets and by conformity. However, this does not mean that the Techno musical style, in a certain way an underground niche style as well as many other musical styles, has not had moments of great revenge. I am of the idea that every artist must contribute and excel in his way of making music, sometimes there are too many problems in thinking and not created in the right way. I am very confident that after what we are experiencing with all the problems raised by Covid, many people will change their way of approaching both in terms of music and how the whole great machine of clubs, festivals, and organizations is managed.
I am of the idea that every artist must contribute and excel in his way of making music
MM: What are your next big planned events and projects?
E: My next projects, which I am already working on, are a new EC Brand capsule collection, I am working on the materials to be used and the concept of the whole new collection and his photo shoot, which will be created with the photographer and great friend Riccardo Lancia. And to EC Recordings’ new VA vinyl, EC 002, for March / April 2021. In the future, I would very much like to open a chain of stores with my brand with an adjoining EC Recordings music room, where you can not only buy vinyl, but also play and experiment, therefore an open space for all the people who have my own passion, and why not, even for those who want to approach music.
M: Thank you Enrica.
E: It was a pleasure for me to work with u.