Unearthing The Hidden Realm of Detroit Techno
September 4, 2023 Off By EditorWords from Mike Moggi Mannix Editor Designer Publisher of IUM
The European press has often overlooked an uncharted realm of Detroit Techno, failing to give it the recognition it truly deserves.
I was always interested in word on the street regarding the origins of dance music, due to the fact my interest started before the internet existed. It was hard getting info back then unless it came in flyers inserted into vinyl records my mates would import from Detroit, Chicago, New York etc.
So when I created and launched this magazine that was the aim where possible to get the real stories and grit from those on the ground that lived and breathed it whether in America the UK or elsewhere. As a result the narrative started with a ground breaking long form interview [think of podcasts on paper]with Joey Beltram, in issue 1.
Most magazines then only used ‘quotes’ from the artist and filled the rest with there opinion, which i always hated. My attitude was
Let them fucking speak their words their stories”
Since then I’ve spoken with all sections of the scene from the up and coming to the heavy hitters gaining an in-depth insight across the board. I have in the past reached out and spoken with pioneering artists like Detroit native Thomas Barnett who released the iconic Techno track Nude Photo in 1987 years before the so called Belleville 3 was heard of, to hear his views on the scene.
We even had an exclusive interview with Juan Atkins on the front cover as we learned more about his views on the techno scene in Detroit and eventually spoke with the informative Michael James who actually wrote the entire piano section of Strings of Life.
There are many different voices in Detroit that tell a different and compelling narrative than the folklore that emerged in the UK press many years ago about Detroit’s Techno origin story.
Bizarrely though, this thriving, cutting-edge underground scene unbelievably remains hidden from the ears of those who are eager to explore it, with its talented artists, DJs, producers, radio stations, and record labels remaining drowned out by the usual narrative. Iconic Underground Magazine has in its own way been shedding light on the real Detroit scene for a few years at this stage! This is set to continue!

Art work Mike Moggi Mannix
A little over a year ago I came across this up and coming Irish techno DJ Producer REOSC’s ground breaking debut album Reoscillate. It blew my mind and I said it’d hit the top of the Beatport charts, it hit number 3 in the top 100 with only Adam Beyer and Charlotte de witte ahead of him.
Since then hes been busy, setting up Music Machine Master 3M culminating with his invite over to the Tec- Troit festival in Detroit in June this year, where he has made connections with some of the real players in the scene, such as Mr 7 inches from 313.FM, Derrick Thompson label boss of Soiree RecordsInternational and founder of Detroits biggest underground Techno festival Tec-Troit DJ Roach amongst many others, whilst making numerous appearances at clubs in and around the city and on Detroits 313.FM.

Artwork Mike Moggi Mannix
This led to Mr 7 inches coming to Dublin last weekend for the launch party of RESOC new EP The Universe Speaks Techno. I got to interview him briefly at the event with a further long form interview coming very soon. Recently I also did an indepth interview with Derrick Thomspon of Soiree RecordsInternationa which will be in the upcoming print issue.
So the ground work for much more Insight on the real underground Detroit techno scene is being set, through my longstanding desire and interest through Iconic Underground Magazine and REOSCS Detroit network Dub-Troit.
Between us we are only interested in real raw passion, talent and self evident skills, nothing else, especially wafflers.

Art work Mike Moggi Mannix
When you are beholden to no one there will interesting times ahead”
Mike Moggi Mannix
Link to Soiree RecordsInternational audio

Editor Designer Publisher IUM
About the author
Founder, Publisher, Editor, and Designer of Iconic Underground magazine