November 23, 2020If there’s one thing Covid-19 has shown the world. It’s the resilience of the Dance scene
and its fans.
Despite the announcement of a vaccine being released this year. The actual implementation will still take several months and won’t be as widespread available as we’d hope. After the latest spike in cases authorities around the world have closed down the clubs and bars again.
The only country in the world that is still able to party like 2019, is Taiwan. After Spunite organized the S20 Songkran festival in Taipei with 25,000 attendees this July. Taiwan is again coming into the spotlight to provide a club to club solution for the lockdown.
On Nov.27 at an exclusive event organized by the Makee Media Group in Taipei. The first club to club real-time stream will connect DJ’s from Rotterdam with DJ’s in Taiwan. The ability to actually see the crowd interact with you while you’re DJ’ing is obviously not a replacement for the real thing but it’s as close as you can get.
In a cooperation between Makee Media group, De Popunie and The Toffler in Rotterdam. Alex Pi from One Love Records and Mike Veldstra from Library.TPE created a real-time audio visual connection between both clubs using Zhonghua Telecoms 5G network.
Solving the ultimate problem of live streaming. “Audience interaction”. Cause as performers, we need to be able to see our crowd to know how to react and feed the hype. Besides this, we add a high quality audio stream through our CHT 5G network to provide the audience a close to lossless experience.
This international cooperation between The Netherlands and Taiwan will highlight a win win situation for the clubs and the artists around the world who have been deprived from real interaction with their favorite artists.
And the possibilities this creates for other performers around the globe should be highlighted and shared.
In Taiwan the real-time stream will be shown on-location on Friday Nov.27 16:30 to 21:30 (UTC + 8) at the t.Hub during the exclusive Makee Studio event. And the Toffler Quarantine Club will start at night.
More info to be announced soon.
Peter Chen