My Tape EP – DEAS and Van Czar – KMS Records

My Tape EP – DEAS and Van Czar – KMS Records

January 3, 2017 Off By Editor

My Tape EP – DEAS and Van Czar – KMS Records

Review – Dax Malone – iconic underground magazine


“Acid From MY Tape” is the brand new release on Kevin Saunderson’s KMS Records. It features 3 acid tinged techno tracks from the duo of DJ DEAS of Poland and Van Czar of Brussels.

The title track, “Acid From MY Tape” is a well constructed, acid soaked piece of techno carnage with a driving bass and a relentless kick, a floor smasher for sure.

Van Czar’s Hellboy Remix takes a more progressive approach to the track, letting the energy build up into intense crescendos and drop into an ever bit as driving rhythm, with a demonic vocal thrown in for good measure.

“Touch & Feel”, the opening track of the EP has a way more spacious and atmospheric feel to it, with a skipping kick and twisted overtones of stabbing synths.

Overall 3 pulsating cuts to lose yourself in, good job!


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